January 31, 2011

Flash Drive & Complaints

My flash drive only holds 1 Gigabyte. It sucks. I took a poll during school today.
I wore my shirt inside-out and took note of how many people asked me or told me about it. Guess how many did?
NONE. Even my friends or parents didn't notice. I hate my flash drive. I can barely fit 20 comics on it. :(
Here's one of the comics I have on it:
Just Kidding
Where was I? Oh well. I hate my flash drive. And my throat hurts. Really Bad. :( This computer is slow.
My hair is shedding. My brother is annoying. My pants are smell like alcohol. I want to cry. I complain to much... You are mean. I don't have any friends. I repeat things to often. My flash drive sucks. :( This is boring. I want to cry. My c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r  is e-v-e-n slower. I don't know that the capital of Libya is. Or Ethiopia. Snowmen can't talk. :(