December 7, 2010

2 parts II (twopartstwo) ? TPT? whatever...

PART ONE: notice: I changed quote of the week to word of the week. (SEE TOP LEFT OF THE BLOG) Thanks to Mr. Davidson, (Taylor's dad) I now have that. It was his idea. The words will be pretty cool although almost every single on will be made up.

PART TWO: click each one of these: They're awesome!
Mutated dog

Spinach Fungus

Spider-man Enemies

Bass Guitars and

Texas Hold-em Massacre
HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT? Just kidding... twice. Just kidding to the eleventh power. I really have nothing importantly random to write about. SO INSTEAD I'LL DRAW A PICTURE!
and another!
YES! Dont ask me about this picture: