June 17, 2011

When Random is Mixed with Everything

When random is mixed with everything you get a lot of free stuff. But you have to be careful because it can hurt you. Unexplained Expletive explosions easily erupt around earthquakes. These titanic turmoils take time to totter the turf. Finally from four flares, free furnishings, fly forth! Crap, consanant comparing commencement! I didn't mean to alliterate, I swear I'm shamefully sorry! Okay. Let's get some similes out here. WHAT? No. Okay this is dumb. I'm just leaving. I just saved the level and I died but it didn't save really! It lied! gasp
Hey stop swearing. JK I love how you don't swear. Yes, I'm talking to you. I miss you all. Maybe. Yep, I do.

... um
yah yeah. I lost like a page of info I tried to save on this post. So now I can't remember what I typed.
Maybe you can call me at: 801-KIDDINGThis is a rejection hotline. I reject you. JK

so tired...

June 10, 2011

No Idea

MOST of you have no idea of what real pain is.. So here's a list of the most horrible things imagineable, from BAD to WORST:
10: Losing a your best friend to the Dark Side. When your most favorite person (me) gets converted to the Sith. That has to be bad.
9: When you choke on something. A horrible feeling.
8: When something you've taken over a year to make, is lost or ruined. This hurts really bad, deep down in your tender heart and can cause serious problems.
7: Waking up to a fire alarm. This is so horrible, at this moment when you wake up, your mind goes though 2 million WORST-CASE scenarios and then you scream.
6: Burning to death in your sleep. I'm sure this hasn't ever happened to you.
5: Nothing. This can be extremely frusturating and may cause instant death.
4: Losing your mind. Although this is bad, it can be really fun if you work hard.
3: Christmas Music in the Spring. Not even joking.
2: Starving to death in a Supermarket. This almost happened to me. But my new best friend Darth Vader saved my life.
1: Worst of all: Watching and listening to this all night: http://nyan.cat/
This is torture.