December 31, 2010


~- Warning -~ May contain spoilers.

I saw TRON! Tron rocked. And the music was wonderfully amazingly cool! Just like my cousin Jim said. My favorite part was the Lightcycle and Lightjet chases! Whoa! I also loved the creative way to derez a person. They just shatter! Cool. I'd have to say, that is my favorite movie. It expanded the first one but didn't really ruin anything. I was really hoping that Clu and his evil minions would come into the human world. It would be cool. I can see it now... 100 Lightjets destroying L.A. A squadron of Lightfighters demolishing New York. A Recognizer ripping apart the Eiffel Tower... Uhhhh .... Anyway.
I would draw another picture, but... the movie kind of deteriorated my self esteem. The movie had real good animation and, and  AND ANDNAN DNANDNNA DNN N!  HAHAHAHAHAH! ASDHFdisghdasgjdjs jsorry... sorry. I got excited there. Hope you couldn't tell. It wasn't drugs. I can prove it. OFF SUBJECT:
Good byebye. Til next time... sincerely
                                                          - OBSIDIAN-

December 30, 2010

Pain is drawn to me. (stupid pun)

If you haven't noticed, I've drawn myself quite a bit, getting mutilated. You've seen my brain, you've seen me burning, you've seen me turned into a skunk (no wait! that was Beaver Pavilion), and you've seen me about to get maimed by a medicine cabinet. You see, these are all reflections of my life, being rhetorical or pyramided. (is that a word?) anyway... I was going to ask something but I forgot... Oh yes! Since I can see your jocund compensation of my paroxysm, I will gladly take proffers for more artwork concerning my capitulum being lacerated. (sorry for the prodigious morphemes I've been using, I'll repeat all of this so you can understand)
Since I can see your gleeful reactions of my pain, I will gladly take suggestions for more artwork concerning (you know what concerning means right?) my head being tortured. (sorry for the big words I've been using)
So I will now draw one more symbol of my life, and you can give me suggestions in form of a comment.
(AND I AM NOT SUICIDAL) It's just that I'm good at drawing myself... erhm, not that I'm vain or anything...

December 29, 2010

A ton of TRON.

I am really excited about seeing Tron! It looks really good. It will probably be so good I'll "derez" my pants! Derez is the abbreviation of derezolutionize. Just for some info...
I really liked the old Tron even though the special effects suck. I still like it. Okay, here I am wearing a Tron outfit:
There's my lightcycle in the back. Downstairs on my dad's whiteboard, I drew a dry erase picture of two lightcycles intercepting each other while a guy stands holding a ID disk (humming with power). It's much better than the pic. above. If you want to see it, you better come to my house within a couple days or so.
Well see you guys.

December 28, 2010

Christmas, sea mammals, and start menus

Christmas is full of toys, joy, and jollyness. But, the week after is full of school thinking and deep depression. But, alas, some people just love to do puzzles. Some like sausage, some like harps, and some like puzzles. But too many can be a bad thing. Just like psychedelic start menus. (let's not get into that). Sadly, my pet geneospecial calangidus died. (also called a sea achidna.) Thats all.

The all knowing, best thinking, most fingering one,


December 27, 2010

True or Salsa

I love salsa. True or false? My yodeling is...
(A) getting worse
(B) improving
(C) non-existent
So what do pineapples have to do with anything? That's exactly my point. After I was spammed by Barrack Obama on my Email Account, I sold all of mine. So I built it completely out of a card stock origami swans. Then I created a 100 poker card house and It was knocked over when my 007 friend yelled at me.
I love salsa.
My yodeling is improving.
I am so sorry. I had an idea for this post but I forgot it overnight. My nightlight's fault. Actually I tried to type this yesterday, but my computer wouldn't even turn on because some DST drive was painfully missing. Whatever a DST drive is. It sounds like a bug repellent. Maybe it is.
"100% whole wheat" it said. Maybe I'm having a nervous breakdown. But then I'd be a dolphin. (It's a Crayon color) Nervous Breakdown Dolphin. I love that color. It's looks like this.
So there you have it. I also drew this: The left side is my sisters version and the right is mine. It's about the same quality as hers, but I spent about 10 minutes doing the coconut's shadow. Any questions?

December 22, 2010


Earlier today I was contemplating the possibility of a skunk (Mephitis Mephitis) appearing in my room. Teleporting in, if you will. Then I realized, it would have to be from the fourth dimension or beyond. Teleporting in the third dimension is quite impossible, you see. The nanoparticles which make up the organisms called homosapians simply do not energize correctly when responding to anthoparatic jolts of energy.
But anyway, I figured that it would be quite unlikely for a 4D skunk to come to the third dimension. There is so much less to do here! No free interstellar pancakes, no megatortic protons, and such stuff. And it would be fairly boring if it did appear, for we (being 3D) cannot understand the complexity of the galotrousious fourth dimension. So, it would look like a normal Mephitis Mephitis.

December 20, 2010

I need a trophy.

I do. It's true. Leave me alone. My feelings got Fruzzed. :(
If I could go back to yesterday... Ahhh. Beatles or something. I had to avoid my medicine cabinet. It has sharp teeth and was creeping me out. Just a bit.
Which reminds me: I need to learn how to shade better in Microsoft Paint. Oh well. It could be compared to this rainbow tunnel thing that I drew:
Can you imagine
getting absorbed into this horrible neon torture? It burns me! Actually I just made this post so I could draw on Paint.

December 16, 2010


I am building a space station. It will have state of the art technology and over 110 petabytes of storage. All the walls will be covered in:
Celestron 127EQ PowerSeeker Telescope
Celestron, buy at amazon.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology! Yeah! There will be a total of 150 habitable rooms and 30 docking bays. There will be an alarm system for anything that goes wrong. There is a back-up alarm system that is an annoying recording of a kazoo. The ship will have a large storage brain and will be able to talk and understand things you say.
There will be over 13 high-tech telescopes and 100 people working there.
Yeah :( It will orbit Earth at a nice 2,004,840 mph. Thanks. It will have a zoo, laser system, and a schizophrenic clover farm storage kit. THIS WONDERFUL space station will be launched around 2666 A.D. I will still be alive.

December 13, 2010


This post is about my uncle. I am only doing this, because I can't lie to Taylor. I told him I would do a post on my uncle, so I must. (actually I was planning before my promise)
Here goes: My uncle has lived or journeyed in over 102 countries. He has his black belt (got it when he was 10) and is a professional Barber. He speaks Chinese and English and married a Filipino woman. He owns a sword and bit a muggers finger off. Here's him in Sao Paulo, Brazil:
He is very amazing. I love him. If you can guess his name in two guesses (as a comment on the blog) I will give you a silver dollar.

December 9, 2010

¡ Updates. PART 5¼ !

Like my fancy title? It has the Spanish exclamations and the ¼ sign even though I was going to do ½.
Anyway. I'm creating this post for updates and brain damage purposes.
So here are the blog updates: The word of the week has changed to: "The Word of every single time I get on the Blog."
I also created a new page (see above the posts right next to the title) the page is meant for you so that you can see the blog updates without me having to tell you on a post. So go check it out right after you finish reading this blog so I don't have to type anymore crap.


Questions for you (answer as a comment)

Q: Do you read the entire post whenever I make one?

Q: Why not?

Just kidding, I have faith in you guys (and those exeptional gals out there *including Pakistan*)

Now this: I over use colons don't I? ANSWER: yes: : : : : : : : : :   k: mart:  (see below and above):
I also have brain damage  I GOT IT FOR FREE!

I also lie to much. Now this is why I want you to read my randomized posts: Although my posts and full of random crud and random repititions and random crud, they do have some meaning in them. Read "ADS" several times and you will find much truth. Kind of. No actually it's really true this time. You just have to explore my mind. (see left)
Get to know my posts, and you may understand me. If you say "But I do understand him!" Then you don't. See? When you can email me and tell me what my next post will be on. THAT'S WHEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND ME! Even though if you were right I'll change it.

December 7, 2010

2 parts II (twopartstwo) ? TPT? whatever...

PART ONE: notice: I changed quote of the week to word of the week. (SEE TOP LEFT OF THE BLOG) Thanks to Mr. Davidson, (Taylor's dad) I now have that. It was his idea. The words will be pretty cool although almost every single on will be made up.

PART TWO: click each one of these: They're awesome!
Mutated dog

Spinach Fungus

Spider-man Enemies

Bass Guitars and

Texas Hold-em Massacre
HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT? Just kidding... twice. Just kidding to the eleventh power. I really have nothing importantly random to write about. SO INSTEAD I'LL DRAW A PICTURE!
and another!
YES! Dont ask me about this picture:

December 3, 2010


I hate ads, I can't resist making fun of them. I hate the ones that say: Buy one, get one free.  or Buy one and get a second for half price. I mean common! Buy a hermit crab to get one free! Buy a machete to get the second for half price! SO WHAT? What's the big deal? I mean, what about my ads? They are sure to work because they grab your attention. Has this ever been tried?
SEE? I'm sure to sell hundreds of machetes a day! I also hate those commercials with women-singing jingles. ♪ les-olsen company! ♫
Mine would work a lot better: les-εταιρεία Olsen! (hard rock male voice with Russian accent)
This is spoken in Greek... and it catches their attention! I also hate those ads that take forever to talk about, they are seriously like... 4 minutes long. I would just do a single word. Let's say you're selling, a new invention called "Firepod". You don't say: "The firepod has over 1,000 uses in twelve states! It looks really nice and my kids love it!" 
You say: "FIREPOD!" (screaming and a picture of the firepod). Then they search it and read everything on it instead of just hearing what they did on T.V.
TOTAL TIME: 2.6 seconds.
Pretty cool huh? I also hate redundant commercials. JUST $9.99, JUST $9.99! or CALL US AT 1-800-555-Hung, that's: 1-800-555-HUNG! AUGHH!
It's annoying! It's ANNOYING! JUST ANNOYING! I also hate commercials where they don't even make sense in what they are saying, this wouldn't even be a problem if they just made it one word:
Our new Tibotubor 500 is such a new experience for our heightened costumers. They will love our newest nanotoxidation technology helping them synthesize new biomaterials. The nanometer of 1:40 of our one dimension quantum mechanics and device physics helps you engineer with abalone shell with perfect elastomers and allografting. Your calcium regeneration will be woven amazingly into the DNA phosphate. It works in the Lebesgue form and was partially developed by the famous Hausdorff running with finite non-integers... BLAH BLAH BLAH.
You might as well talk about cubed-bunnies with Head Palm tree growths and Batcave stomachs and Hogwarted shoulders...
THE END... thanks for listening to me. (sarcasm)