October 12, 2010


I have some questions: AND PLEASE ANSWER TRUTHFULLY!
#1: If you were in a potato sack, what would you do?
#2: If you were in a burning potato sack, what would you do?
#3: If you were trapped in a burning potato sack tied 10 stories above a Pennsylvanian man, what would you do?
#4: If you were trapped in a burning potato sack tied 10 stories above a Pennsylvanian man and you had to go number one really bad, what would you do?
#5 If you were trapped in a burning potato sack tied 10 stories above a Pennsylvanian man and you had to go number one really bad while your legs were bleeding badly from a torture treatment a few minutes ago by a psychotic leopard-man, what would you do?
#6 What is a schizophrenic clover farm and how is it used?


  1. (my answers)
    1. I'd throw up.
    2. I'd throw up twice.
    3. Scream and die a horrible death.
    4. Scream and wet myself a horrible death.
    5. Cry and then throw up as I died a horrible death wetting myself.
    6. A schizophrenic clover farm is a clover in a glass case, it thinks in two different worlds. It's used by throwing it at a door you are trapped behind. If treated properly, the clover farm should explode, destroying part of the door.

  2. 1. I would get out the top, then grab a couple of potatoes.
    2.I would roll around, squishing the potatoes, until the fire went out. Then I would eat the mashed potatoes.
    3.I would all of the potatoes underneath me, then bounce around until the sack fell, killing the man and sparing me. (Then I would eat the potatoes.)
    4. I would wet myself and then (See answer to number three).
    5. I would wet myself, attempt to stop the bleeding with potatoes spread on the wounds, and then have less potatoes to put underneath me, so I would hope that the guy was fat.
    6.It is a clover in a container that thinks it is two different clovers, which is planted in dirt. I can be used as an explosive or a item to ward of viscous duck-men.

  3. 1.) Jump around, until someone relealize I'm stuck
    2.) I just stay there, rotting away
    3.) I jump off the man, happily waiting to die.
    4.)Usually, I rarely go to urinate, but in this case, I pee on my-self, and jump off the man, happily waiting to die.
    5.) To heck with it, I jump, pee at the same time, because my leg hurts.
    6.) A schizophrenic clover farm is a clover in a glass case, it thinks in two different worlds. It's used by throwing it at a door you are trapped behind. If treated properly, the clover farm should explode, destroying part of the door.
