and the title says it all. i have so little to say that I'm not going to even capitalize the start of the sentences. i just need to post something. its called post-obsession, kind of clever of me to come up with. okay now i am seriously going to start doing capitals because it's bugging me.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ! ! ! Celebrating the end of 2011 and the beginning of different digits on the end of every date! YAY! ! ! Yes, I am late, but that's okay. We've been in a new year for 11 days! Unless you're not ready this then, then it's probably more like 20 days! ! ! Yay, congratulations to you! ! ! I'm talking to you in the future! ! ! And, it could be 2016 or something over there, and I wouldn't even notice! ! ! If the world really did end on Dec. 23rd though, you wouldn't be reading this. So tell us if the world ended okay, please.
Do you believe the world is going to end?
Me: "No."
Me: "It's not possible."
What about aliens?
Me: "Then the world isn't ending is it? Just the human race."
... Okay what about... if Earth blows up?
Me: "Impossible."
What if aliens blow it up?
Me: "Extraterrestrials don't exist."
... what if we set off bombs across the entire world, blowing it apart?
Me: "Then we're stupid."
End of Conversation