If you haven't noticed, I've drawn myself quite a bit, getting mutilated. You've seen my brain, you've seen me burning, you've seen me turned into a skunk (no wait! that was Beaver Pavilion), and you've seen me about to get maimed by a medicine cabinet. You see, these are all reflections of my life, being rhetorical or pyramided. (is that a word?) anyway... I was going to ask something but I forgot... Oh yes! Since I can see your jocund compensation of my paroxysm, I will gladly take proffers for more artwork concerning my capitulum being lacerated. (sorry for the prodigious morphemes I've been using, I'll repeat all of this so you can understand)
Since I can see your gleeful reactions of my pain, I will gladly take suggestions for more artwork concerning (you know what concerning means right?) my head being tortured. (sorry for the big words I've been using)
So I will now draw one more symbol of my life, and you can give me suggestions in form of a comment.
(AND I AM NOT SUICIDAL) It's just that I'm good at drawing myself... erhm, not that I'm vain or anything...